Monday, 28 July 2014

Something big

Yesterday I realized the dress I'm making for my niece is going quite quickly.  It makes sense when I think about it, the bodice is knit while the skirt is sewn and a knitted bodice to fit a 6 month old is not very big.

As I thought about this I realized I should either do something to make my knitting last through my Tuesday knitting group or cast on something else so I'll definitely have something to knit there tomorrow.  I have tried casting on there, it just doesn't mix well with trying to talk to people while paying attention to Caleb.

I have a list of things I want to knit, they're all gifts for friends that they've requested and they're all pretty small.  A tea cozy, a pair of mittens, little things that will be used and loved but overall don't add up to a big project.  I like all of the things I plan to knit but feel like I'm always casting on.

To that end I wove in the ends of two pairs of mittens yesterday to try to get that finished, and then knit a little bit on the dress.  I'll totally be done today the main part today, which means I'll have to cast on a new project so I have something on the needles tomorrow.  (Sewing up seams and doing fancy edging are also tasks that aren't super-compatible with my knitting group.)

I want to make something big.  To start something and have it stretch out in front of me and finish little by little, to have it be a constant for a while.  I'm still ruminating on what, but I want it to be big.

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