Monday, 13 March 2017

I'm back

About a three weeks ago I had an allergic reaction to something that covered me in hives, a week and a half ago we figured out what it was, and today for the first time in what feels like forever my skin is more or less comfortable.  Most of the hives seemed to clear overnight and I look and feel so much better, which is great.  It's been a super unproductive time since Benadryl knocks me out but I'm excited to get back into getting things done a bit more regularly.  I have a test knit I'm running that feels like it's taking forever, but I'm super-excited to release that pattern later this month.

Monday, 6 March 2017


I have plenty of things on my to do list, but this month I haven't done much so far.  I did February's bookkeeping, I've discovered if I leave it for long periods of time I hate it like the plague but that if I do it monthly it's actually kind of fun since it doesn't take too long and I get to see that I actually made money.  I'd worked so hard to get that top sized and done for the end of February that I just didn't want to look at another to do list.  I do have things to do, the next on the docket is swatching for a magazine comission.  The yarn they're sending me hasn't arrived yet but I have that yarn in other colours that I can use to figure out gauge and hopefully do a lot of the math before it gets here.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Wonderful man

There was a giant yarn sale on my husband's birthday, the yarn I wanted for the baby's blanket and stocking was on sale.  My wonderful husband drove me to the yarn store and stayed in the car with the kids while I went in to pick the yarn before we went and had dinner at this local buffet that's free for the person who's having your birthday.  He said he wanted that so I didn't have to cook dinner for the extended family and a cake and everything, and that he knew I liked eating there.

He is great.