Monday, 13 March 2017

I'm back

About a three weeks ago I had an allergic reaction to something that covered me in hives, a week and a half ago we figured out what it was, and today for the first time in what feels like forever my skin is more or less comfortable.  Most of the hives seemed to clear overnight and I look and feel so much better, which is great.  It's been a super unproductive time since Benadryl knocks me out but I'm excited to get back into getting things done a bit more regularly.  I have a test knit I'm running that feels like it's taking forever, but I'm super-excited to release that pattern later this month.

Monday, 6 March 2017


I have plenty of things on my to do list, but this month I haven't done much so far.  I did February's bookkeeping, I've discovered if I leave it for long periods of time I hate it like the plague but that if I do it monthly it's actually kind of fun since it doesn't take too long and I get to see that I actually made money.  I'd worked so hard to get that top sized and done for the end of February that I just didn't want to look at another to do list.  I do have things to do, the next on the docket is swatching for a magazine comission.  The yarn they're sending me hasn't arrived yet but I have that yarn in other colours that I can use to figure out gauge and hopefully do a lot of the math before it gets here.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Wonderful man

There was a giant yarn sale on my husband's birthday, the yarn I wanted for the baby's blanket and stocking was on sale.  My wonderful husband drove me to the yarn store and stayed in the car with the kids while I went in to pick the yarn before we went and had dinner at this local buffet that's free for the person who's having your birthday.  He said he wanted that so I didn't have to cook dinner for the extended family and a cake and everything, and that he knew I liked eating there.

He is great.

Monday, 27 February 2017

What a day

You know what's great?  Awesomely gracious knitting testers.

I'm running a test knit for a sweater pattern, (it is knit by volunteers before release to find anything that's wrong/unclear).  Something wasn't working and I spent the last day trying to figure out what it was.  Actually I landed on the problem almost immediately, and then spent a few hours hoping against hope that wasn't actually the problem and trying to find another problem because it was too horrible to contemplate.

I'd double checked all the math in the spreadsheet, double checked the stitch counts in the pattern were the same as the numbers in the spreadsheet where I did the math for all the sizes, double checked that key measurements made sense.  But I made a typo that I hadn't caught.

The typo was the stitch gauge.  It was supposed to be 14 sts/4" but I hit 7 instead of 4 and it never occurred to me to check that I hadn't made this particular mistake.

I felt so bad, for wasting my testers' time since whatever progress they had made wouldn't fit them.  It will need to be started over.  I told them any who wanted to leave the test could and would get the free patterns I'd promised as compensation for completing the test, that we could change the deadline and anyone who wanted to stay could have double the number of patterns I'd originally promised.

Guys, they were so nice about it.  So nice, which is such a wonderful relief.

So I'm back to sizing my text garment that's supposed to come out, I'll definitely be double checking that I put the gauge in right this time.

Thursday, 23 February 2017


I've been working on grading (writing out the instructions for each size) this pattern for a while, it seems like it's going well then suddenly I hit a roadblock.  I finally figured out the last one and got past it only to discover there's something funny about the armholes.  I have the sample, it fits perfectly so the original instructions are fine.  But my spreadsheet isn't lining up with the instructions, there has to be some wonky typo somewhere that's throwing everything off.  It's taking way longer than I had originally planned, but the yarn I'm waiting for is delayed so I have time to work on it and I think I'll still be able to meet my goal for when I want it to be released.

In other news I released a new pattern this week, it's something I liked but a magazine rejected.  I'd already made the sample though, it's such a small project that a swatch seemed silly when I could knit the entire tiny bowl myself.  It's already sold twice and I'm pleased as punch.

Monday, 20 February 2017


I feel like myself instead of a pregnant zombie, it's about the most amazing thing ever.  The mittens I cast on last week are not working out, but that's okay because the magazine I submitted the other idea that uses the same chart bought the pattern, I haven't had a ton of commissions yet but I imagine the "we would like to publish your work and pay you" emails never get old.

There is a large yarn sale later this week and I will be going to get the yarn for baby's blanket and stocking, I'll be making Fly Away by TinCan Knits for the blanket and I'm super-excited about it.  I've already done the bath so I know how many balls of each colour to get in the yarn I've picked.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Looking up

We haven't had any disasters in the last couple days, the kids are being normal children (so mischievous but not terrors), my knitting tests are going well, one person left a really nice comment on my sweater project page and someone else wants to be earburned when it's released.  Also, I am about to go eat some ice cream.  I am having a really good day.

I've been knitting mostly on the blanket recently but I've decided it's time to knit something fun.  I had a hat planned, swatched, and realized that what I was thinking isn't going to work.  Then I decided on mittens, there's a chart I made for a submission I sent in a couple weeks ago that I could use except then I'd have to keep the whole thing under wraps until the real design is rejected or published.  I should hear any day but I might just make the mittens, and keep them as secret mittens if the magazine does buy the pattern.

Monday, 13 February 2017

What a month

It seems like I've been thwarted at each turn this month, things keep breaking, we've had a trip to the emergency room (we're all fine now), and as soon as I get one major thing dealt with there's another.  Needless to say things haven't been very productive on the knitting front.

I have a summer top that I designed a while ago that needs to be graded (the math done for the instructions for the sizes other than the sample I knit), and getting a major part of that done is on the docket for this week.  I started earlier, and will continue tomorrow it seems since I have to go help dig our house of of a snow storm.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Crunch Time

I've been trying to catch up on my submissions, there's one more open one I really want to submit to and I have some of the work done.  It's due later this week and I have a lot to do, I'm hoping to get the drawings and at least one swatch today.  The write ups and other swatches tomorrow.  Here's hoping it all comes together.

I was a bit frusterated last week, I got a bunch of rejections and no one wanted to test knit my sweater.  But in the last few days  a couple people have joined the test (gloriously, they are different sizes to each other and to me which helps with yardage estimates plus shows the sweater in different sizes) and I've had a few individual pattern sales which was encouraging.

I'm trying to plow through which means that I'm off to chart my swatches, hopefully I'll have the charts done so I can swatch while I wait for an appointment later today!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Change of plans

My husband was going to see some friends Tuesday night while I stayed home and worked on knitting patterns.  I'd have three hours of uninterrupted quite time when I was the only person awake, I was going to have tea, chocolate, and progress.

After we put the kids to bed I looked at my husband and said I was cold (nothing unusual there), then he said he was cold too, which is odd considering the man is practically a human furnace.  At this point we discovered the actual furnace was broken, it was going to be several hours until the emergency repair guy could come, the temperature was dropping, and he probably would need parts not in his truck so it likely wouldn't be fixed until morning anyways.

I spent the evening relocating children to my parents' house while my wonderful husband wrapped himself in an electric blanket and dealt with the repair man.  Needless to say, progress didn't happen.

Now, I was momentarily really upset about this when I happened to look at the news and remembered that there are lots of people that have some pretty serious problems and a problem that involves a loss of productivity, a 15 minute drive in a warm SUV, and sleeping in warm comfortable beds that are not our own isn't really a big deal.  I have some catching up to do but we're pretty blessed.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Counting the days

I will feel better in approximately two weeks, until then morning sickness is kicking my butt and I don't have a lot left after taking care of the kids, so I've been posting less than usual.

I've been working on the giant blanket and some submissions, I got two in last week, want to get two or three off this week and then two off the week after that.  My January goals have been shot, but I can regroup next month.  I am pretty pleased with how my current swatch is going, it's cute.

My goal for today is to release a pattern, so I will be off doing that, hopefully the kids nap for a while since my daughter is having a really grumpy day and it's just because she's tired.  Plus I can get stuff done when I'm the only one awake. :)

Monday, 23 January 2017

Not much

The past week has not seen be get a lot of knitting or designing done, I find looking at things close up (like knitting) makes the morning sickness worse, but my house is getting cleaner and I've had some naps.

I have pulled out Old Faithful (my giant blanket I'm making out of sock yarn), and it has got a few more inches on one of the stripes.  I love it and it makes me irrationally happy.  Also, brei, apples, and naan bread is the best combination of food ever and I'm trying to figure out if that's because I'm pregnant or because it's just delicious.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Haven't puked yet but....

We are excitedly awaiting the arrival of little person # 3.  Actually, everyone else is excited, I am just stupidly queasy but I'll be excited in approximately 4 weeks if the morning sickness eases off at the same time as it did as the other two.  I can't remember if it was this bad before, it doesn't really matter I guess.  It's been pretty hard to do things, I committed to hosting this painting party fundraiser thing earlier in the week and by last night just crashed, I slept from about 8pm to 7am which was completely glorious, especially because the more tired I am the more I feel like puking.

My house is a mess, the kids are off the wall since I'm not super fun right now and my to do list is a mile long.  It's temporary and I'm trying to be gracious with myself because it won't last forever but I am seriously looking forward to this portion of things being over.  I'm barely getting any knitting done and I miss it.

All I want to eat is spring rolls.

Thursday, 12 January 2017


I've got four submissions out for consideration now, and only one call that I'm working on ideas for while doing some sample knitting.  It's a lovely rest from deadlines and craziness and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  I've been working really hard on planning my patters for the next year, my goal is to release one a month and it looks like it's going to be doable.  Some of the patterns need photos still, with some formatting while I insert the photos but nothing too onerous.  There are 5 that sill need a lot of work, but 7/12 being done except for photos is great for mid January, I think.

Monday, 9 January 2017


I'm doing some sample knitting with some stunning cashmere yarn.  I'm knitting the sample for the second time, despite having tracking Canada Post managed to loose the original package, but I'm really enjoying reknitting the hat.  The pattern is pretty, the yarn is scrumptious, and my submissions are all in so I can work on fun stuff.

Thursday, 5 January 2017


There are some magazine submissions I want to get in, it's pretty close to the deadline and I've made a list of the things I need to get done each day in order to get them in on time.  The things are very boring tasks, weaving in ends and doing write ups.  There are so many interesting things I want to do so badly but they have to wait if I want these submissions to go in, and I do want them to go in.  I'm trying to be patient with myself, I know it will pay off.  In about a week I'll go nuts with all the fun tasks I have on my list.

Monday, 2 January 2017

What a Run

This Christmas has been insanely busy, but in a really wonderful way.  There was so much time with family that I've barely sat at a computer (hence the lack of posts).  There are multiple submission deadlines in the next week or so for me so things got really real yesterday, but I've figured out what I have to get done each day and it's doable.  

It was worth it.